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Financials for the Year Ending 31st March 2025

 2024-25 Budget

Financials for the Year Ending 31st March 2024

Notice of Conclusion of Audit 

External Auditors Report

Annual Governance and Accountability Return 

Notice of Public Rights  

2023-24 Budget 

2023-24 Receipts & Payments Summary 

CIL Reporting Statement 2023-24 

Financials for the Year Ending 31st March 2023

Notice of Conclusion of Audit 
 Annual Governance and Accountability Return Sent to External Auditor  
Annual Internal Audit Report 2022-23

Summary of Receipts and Payments 2022-23
Cash Book Transactions Totalling 100 or more 22-23
Bank Account Reconciliations 31st March 2023
Annual Spend to Budget 31st March 2023
CIL Reporting Statement 2022-23 

 Financials for the Year Ending 31st March 2022 

Notice of Conclusion of Audit 
2021-22 External Auditors Closure Letter 
2021-22 SO0308 S3 External Auditor Certificate 

Annual Governance and Accountability Return sent to External Auditor 

Annual Internal Audit Report 2021-22 
Summary of Receipts and Payments 2021-22 
Cashbook Transactions Totalling £100 or More  
Current Account Bank Reconciliation 31st March 2022
Reserve Account Bank Reconciliation 31st March 2022 
Annual Spend to Budget Year Ending 31st March 2022 
CIL Reporting Statement 2021-22 

Financials for the Year Ending 31st March 2021

 Notice of Conclusion of Audit YE 31 March 2021
External Auditor Report and Certificate 2020-21
 Annual Governance and Accountability Return sent to External Auditors
Internal Audit Review 2020-21 
2020-21 Receipts and Payments - Summary 
 Cashbook Transactions Totalling £100 or More 
CIL Reporting Statement 2020-21 

 Financials for the Year Ending 31st March 2020 

Notice of Conclusion of Audit 
External Auditor Report 2019-20 
Summary of Receipts and Payments 2019-20 
Internal Audit Review April 2020 
Cashbook Transactions Totalling £100 or More 
 Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2019-20 sent to External Auditor 
CIL Reporting Statement 2019-20 

Financials for the Year Ending 31st March 2019

  Certificate of Exemption - AGAR 2018-19 Part 2 
Section 1 - Annual Governance Statement 2018-19 
Section 2 - Accounting Statements 2018-19 
 Internal Audit Report YE 31-3-19  
Cashbook Transactions totalling £100.00 or more Y/E 31-3-19  

 Financials for the Year Ending 31st March 2018

 Notice of conclusion of Audit for YE 31-3-18  
Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2017-18 Auditors Certificate  
 Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2017-18 Sent to Auditors

 Financials for the Year Ending 31st March 2017

Notice of Conclusion of Audit for YE 31st March 2017 
External Audit Statement of Accounts and Auditors Certificate for YE 31st March 2017 
 Internal Audit Y/E 31-3-17

 Financials for the Year Ending 31st March 2016 

Internal Audit Y/E 31-3-16 
External Audit - Statement of Accounts and Auditor's Certificate Y/E 31-3-16 
Notice of Conclusion of Audit - Accounts for the Year Ended 31st March 2016

Statement of Internal Control

Statement of Internal Control - December 2022